Yan Chai Hospital in Taipei

NCL Special Collection / Du Zhe-yu / [n.d.] / 11.2×7.6cm / 《Visual Feast》

  Yan Chai Hospital is a subsidiary of the Yan Chai Institute of Taipei, which was established in 1870. During the colonial era, the foundling hospital, nursery, and charitable society were combined into the Yan Chai Institute of Taipei. Founded on the principle of “a charitable (yan) heart benefits (chai) the world,” it specifically focused on aiding the poor and sick in the lower class of society. It is located at 243 Guangzhou Street, near the Longshan Temple. Behind it is the Yan Chai Sanitarium, Taiwan’s earliest mental hospital.
  In 1951, the Yan Chai Institute of Taipei build the Yan Chai Hospital. In 1977, a new hospital building was built across the street from the old hospital (200 Guangzhou Street). The dentistry and physical therapy departments, however, stayed in the old hospital building shown in this picture.